please add Qt6.5 (LTS) Support
Qt6.5 (LTS) was released on April 3, 2023 and some bugs in Qt6.2 seem to be implemented only in Qt6.5. I believe Qt is widely used in desktop softwares and the demands of testings of softwares with newest Qt is large. However, TestComplete supports currently up to Qt6.2 and no update plan is published. We found that the newest TestComplete (15.54) cannot recognize any Qt-Objects in our software with Qt6.5. (Qt6-Objects are not recognized) Therefore, I would like to request Qt6.5 support urgently. Also, it would be helpful, if we could hear, when Qt6.5 is planned to be supported. Thank you.377Views6likes4CommentsSystem checks for Object for every test
I had two projects in my project suite where one project is created as a base where all my desktop objects and the corresponding action for each and every control is written Controls are mapped in name mapping Scripts are written with Aliases being used I had created the second project where the scripts and name mapping from the first are used as it is and it includes some tests as well It is some kind of framework setup where the first project as a base project ( a kind of page object pattern ) and the second one re-uses the script and name mapping as linked items from the first If I am trying to run tests, each and every test tries to identify the objects that are declared as aliases in each script For example if I have something like var notepadwnd = Aliases["notepad"], the system is trying to find notepad for the default amount of time for each test. My tests are getting timeout as I have atleast 20 application which are like this and TestComplete is trying to find them increasing the test duration and thus failing the test due to timeout Is there anything that I am missing here186Views0likes30CommentsPerform Action @ position relative to object
Is there a way to perform an action at a position which is relative to the object AND not within the bounds object (perform an action on a secondary object which is located x/y distance away from the initial object)? It looks as if the ClientX and ClientY give error messages if the x-y position is outside of the selected object's bounds. Example: I have mapped the 'Enter Loan Amount' in the name mapping. It is identified by it's text. I want to locate the 'enter loan amount' text box (the one with 10000 in it) with a testComplete feature which would be equivalent to "Perform an Action at a location that is 50 pixels to the right of the 'Enter Loan Amount' label object". Why? Because the order of these rows moves around a lot (as developers design) and I always want to be able to just find the textbox by locating it relative to it's corresponding text located to it's left.59Views0likes8CommentsHow To: Read data from the Windows Registry
Hello all, I have recently learned how to retrieve data from the Windows registry in JavaScript test units. I am using this to return the OS information and application path information. This is very useful when added to the EventControl_OnStartTest event code. This will allow you to return OS information and other needed data at each test run. Some test management systems may provide this information for you or it may be logged in the in data produced in a pipeline run. This will embed the information directly into your test log. SmartBear KB Links: Storages Object Storages Object Methods Storages.Registry Method Section Object Get SubSection Method This bit of code will return the Product Name and Current Build from the registry. This location may vary between OS's so you will want to check this with RegEdit. let Section = Storages.Registry("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); let regKeyString = Section.GetSubSection("CurrentVersion").Name; let productIdString = Storages.Registry(regKeyString, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 1, true).GetOption("ProductName", ""); let currentBuildString = Storages.Registry(regKeyString, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 1, true).GetOption("CurrentBuild", ""); Log.Message("Windows Version: " + productIdString + " Build: " + currentBuildString ) I have also found the need to find and set an application path and work folder in the project TestedApp for running through a pipeline because the pipeline deploys the application to a non-standard path. let Section = Storages.Registry("SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\<_yourSectionName>\\", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); let regKey = Section.GetSubSection(<_yourSubSectionName>).Name; let Path = Storages.Registry(regKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 0, true).GetOption("", ""); let WorkFolder = Storages.Registry(regKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 0, true).GetOption("Path", ""); let appIndex = TestedApps.Find(<_yourAppName>); if (appIndex >= 0){ if(TestedApps.Items(<_yourAppName>).Path != Path){ TestedApps.Items(<_yourAppName>).Path = Path } if(TestedApps.Items(<_yourAppName>).WorkFolder != WorkFolder){ TestedApps.Items(<_yourAppName>).Params.ActiveParams.WorkFolder = WorkFolder; } } else{ Log.Error("TestedApp " + <_yourAppName> + " does not Exist.") Runner.Stop(true); } I hope you find these links and code examples as useful as I have! Have a great day!26Views0likes0CommentsGlobal Items in TestComplete
Every project has his Stores, NameMapping, TestedApps etc in a Project Suite project scoped. My idea is, that if you have a common objects that can be re-used by multiple projects, recordings, name mapping objects, instead of having to re-import them for every project in your suite, you have the option to also have them globally on Project Suite Level, to be then shared over the various projects instead of each project having to it's own version of Name Mapping, Tested Applications and such. Example: Project A -> user recordings, namemapping from base solution Project B --> user recordings, namemapping from base solution What it is today and what it could be: If you use global namemapping, user recording that your projects digest, then you only have to update/modify them in one place, instead of all your projects. I do would have the option still to have project scoped, namemapping, recordings etc next to the globally ones.107Views8likes3CommentsHow to run a powershell script from TestComplete with parameters ?
Maybe I am missing this in the documentation? Running PowerShell Scripts From TestComplete | TestComplete Documentation If possible, I was trying to find the syntax to go by for passing in single or multiple parameters.Solved78Views0likes5CommentsHow to stop TestComplete from failing a test when unrelated processes crash?
Hello! I've been hitting an issue for some time now where TestComplete will intermittently fail my test(s) because some unrelated process that I don't care about crashes. Typically these are Windows processes and they are 100% unrelated to my application or test running. Here's an example of it crashing for "GameBar.exe" which is a Windows process: I've searched extensively in these forums and there seems to be multiple threads over the last few years reporting the same frustrating behavior but I haven't found an example of how to configure TestComplete to not fail tests for this. I thought setting the "Process Filter Mode" to something like "Ignore all processes" would address this issue, but it seems to persist: Could anyone provide guidance on the proper way to prevent TestComplete from failing due to this? Thank you very much for any help!126Views0likes3Comments