General Exception raised within Run Browser action
Hi all, I'm falling in an random error for which I'm not able to find the root cause nor a workaround. I'm using TestComplete/TestExecute version. The automation test is simply opening an Edge browser instance and navigating to the needed url; then, the needed validation web test steps are executed. Within this simple operation sometimes the Test Execute falls in an exception, for which the log doesn't provide so much information. The message is "Exception occured". From the picture, I can see that the browser is still loading the page. That is: it seems that TestExecute is not waiting for the complete loading of the page for the navigation. The strange thing is that, as you can see from the log below, the test is next correctly executed (the browser interactions are correctly done) but, for that strange Exception, the automated test is marked as failed (by providing a wrong information, since the needed validations are actually passed). I'm simply using the Run Browser action to open browser and navigate to the needed url (saved within a project variable): Please see the generated log below for more details. Could you suggest me a way to prevent this exception or the possible root causes for it?58Views0likes3CommentsRemote browser clear cache
I am encountering an issue where my remote (headless) browser seems to be caching (remembering) my login. If I go to the app through the browser, I am prompted to login. Navigating headlessly, I am already logged in. How can I handle this case? I am thinking its cache related so how can I clear a cache on a remote browser through TC?27Views0likes2CommentsHow can I retrieve the text of that dropdown below?
Hi everyone, I am trying to get a text of dropdown in my application. Dropdown looks like this in the HTML: And in the system it appears like that: So far I tried innerText, outerText and contentText methods, none of them working.46Views0likes4CommentsSet web slider position without dragging slider
Hi guys, Is there a way to set the web slider position, without the need to drag the slider (or using cursor/page up/down keys)? I found SetPosition action or wPosition property, but neither seem work with the web objects. And yes, I also tried set "Keys" or "value", but these does not work either. Thanks for any idea :) PS: I ended-up with below solution, using Keys action. else if (inputElement.ObjectType == "Slider") { inputElement.Keys("[Home]"); for (let i = 0; i < (csvInputValue/10); i++) { inputElement.Keys("[Right]"); } } Basically, it Home key sets the slider to zero position and then Right key in loop sets the slider to expected position.62Views0likes8CommentsMulti-View Electron app
I'm trying to recod tests on an electron app that is made from two "pages" side by side. I couldn't detect the objects, i had to check that "*" in the MAAS settings. Now when I spy the page on the left, it's pointing the file of the page on the right, and the screenshot in the object browser displays the right page instead of the left page. The lest page's screen shot is correct though. So basically, it's as if TestComplete was unable to take in to the accound the position of the right view. The other major problem is that when i click on the app, the actions aren't being recorded.30Views0likes3CommentsHow to setup Edge TestComplete Extension settings in script?
I am running tests from Azure Pipeline. This pipeline is preparing required Win11 Virtual Machines and then it starts Test Plans using Test Execute. Several test plans requires to open local html files, but this can be done only if in TC Extension we enable "Allow access to file URLs". I have created test case which is enabling this option, but unfortunately this works only when I run Test plan manually in TestComplete. When I use Azure Pipeline to start this full testing, it is always failing in very beginning to find Details button inside Installed extensions page. First, in order to see Edge Settings page Objects I have enabled to accept any window in Current Project Properties(Found this suggestion in this forum) And only then I was able to see all objects from Edge settings page in Object Browser, but Object Spy still does not recognize any object and shows only the main page info. In test itself, I am opening extensions webpage and checking if its Object Type is Form. This way I hope that all mapped objects of this Form will be initialized. Then I am setting a variable with direct path till this Details button and it worked, but only on manual test, failed in Azure pipeline. Then I have mapped this Details button and all its parental objects. Used this Mapped Objects path and it worked on manual run, but again failing when i run same test in Azure Pipeline. Variables for this button If condition to check if this button is visible on each variable. On Manual run I am getting success when in azure Pipeline with new fresh VM it failed reported error about failing to find button Details object property I have made many tests and various additional actions to refresh Object browser, refresh mapping, added various delays and checks, but nothing is helping and each time it fails on Azure pipeline. The difference is that in Azure Pipeline it is always creating new virtual machines, installing all required software and then starting Test plans. So each time it is new fresh test environment and new first start for Test Execute. I assume this new fresh start is the cause of it and it fails because everything is empty. Any suggestion how I could get those Edge extensions page objects initialized in very start of testing? It seems that those, somehow are not active or does not exist and then mapping does not work. Thank you all in advance.61Views0likes3CommentsAbility to get the get/extract the XPath or Css from the name mapping objects
I would like to have one location where I specify the xpath my html elements. Most of the time, this data is stored in the NameMapping. A lot of the time you can use aliases in scripts. However, there are some times ... like for the 'waitelement' which you have to use the xpath or css. I would really like to be able to get the xpath or css from the nameMapping. This would make things a lot safer and less error prone. I use keyword tests as much as I can, but there are times when scripting is beneficial. var myAlias = Aliases.MyWebApp.AdminButton; var selectorArray = myAlias.GetSelectors(); the selectorArray would be an array of objects that looks like this: selectorArray = [{'css', '#myAdminButton'}, {'xpath', '//div/button[contains(@class, 'adminbutton')]'}, {'xpath', //div//button}]284Views2likes2CommentsWarning messages in the test run log for improve performance
Hello, Recently I have updated all my nameMapping to use unique identifiers in the XPath and deleted all others that TC saved when recorded. So tipically I have only one selector for each object or element. When I ran the test it gave me the following warning almost for all the objects. You can improve the performance of the object search in the test. The NameMapping.Sys.browser.pageAuth.login_SignIn_Btn object can be found faster if you make //input[@type="submit"] the first selector in its selector list. And in the nameMapping for this object I see only one selector as I mentioned above. Still not sure why its throwing warning messages. Even when I click on Improve performance button in the log it just added an Empty selector, and even with that when I rerun the test it gave same message. One another thing is that the Extended Find column doesn't have any checkboxes. Is there something I missed in the settings or somewhere else TIA561Views1like3Comments