Comparing Collaborator Templates
I have to present various Collaborator review templates to my teammates so that they can determine what fields they need and/or want in order to discuss and agree on standard templates for different purposes or sub-teams. Is there any way outside of Collaborator to display and compare the existing templates (preferably as Word docs or PDFs)?377Views0likes0CommentsAccepted Comments not Collapsing
For some reason, the toggle/filter at the top of the page is not allowing team members to collapse accepted comments. It is working for "read" comments, but it is not working for "accepted" comments. Any ideas on why? I have used collaborator on other networks and it has collapsed correctly. I am trying to figure out if it is bug or if I selected something wrong in the review template that I set up.675Views0likes0CommentsInability to delete an Upload to Review Materials due to comments
I have searched all the documentation and conversations and understand that an upload to the Review Materials can not be deleted if there is a comment or defect in any one of the files, so I have no question about that. But I do have a comment about that. That is the most short-sighted and ridiculous rule. The idea that a responsible Administrator can not correct a Review is extremely frustrating. What has happened is in a Review with about 10 changed files, the author in attempting to correct an error in his code erroneously uploaded a branch with hundreds of changed files. Now we are stuck with this huge set of changes - NOT because someone has commented on this new upload, but because someone had previously commented on one of the files in that upload, which collaborator so conveniently carries over to the new upload. Of course we uploaded the correct set of files afterword, BUT have had to put up an overall comment, which we can only HOPE that our Reviewers will see, to tell everyone to ignore uploads before a certain date. If they don't notice this message then they'll spend hours reviewing incorrect code changes. So we need to go to an outside method to email everyone to be careful about this review because Collaborator wont allow us to logically control our own review. The idea that "Smartbear" doesn't think we are smart enough for an Administrator to surgically edit a Review to correct errors feels like being managed by a helicopter parent. This along with several other issues like not being able to control the placement of User Defined Fields (making our Review forms haphazard and confusing), an inability to create Reports in our own format, and even the fact that Notes for a file are displayed in a Center Justified column (so that short notes can't be seen at all because they are sitting out in the middle of someone else's 3 sentence notes). That such basic functions are out of our control becomes very annoying. Despite the time and effort we have spent converting to and learning Code Collaborator many people are starting to recognize that there are other options out there that might be more flexible.598Views1like0CommentsExtend the list of roles available for review participants
Hi, 1. Currently, as review participants, Collaborator provides only the moderator, author, reviewer and observer roles. Can this list be extended ? 2. In addition, is it possible to assign more than one role to one person?627Views0likes0CommentsNotification template for "List Review Stalled Author Not Reworking" is incorrect
Hi, The notification template for "List Review Stalled Author Not Reworking" is incorrectly assigning defects to non-authors. The template looks like this: subject: Review #${}: "${review.title}" is currently stalled waiting for ${} body: Review #${} has defects that need to be fixed by ${} and verified before the review can complete. Created: ${review.datecreated} by ${} Deadline: ${review.deadline} Workflow: ${review.workflow} Defect Log: ${review.defectlog} Looking at the substitution variables docs and the notification template docs, the var should be (see vars here: The description of this notification template also supports that it should be the author that is responsible for defects and is being waited on, not the other users (link here: Notification: List Review Stalled Author Not Reworking Sent to: All review participants and recipients of the notification list emails. Remarks: Indicates that the review is stalled because the author needs to fix some defects. This was issue was pointed out here previously, but the topic was closed without action ( This appears to be pretty cut and dry and I would expect this to be fixed in an upcoming release. This issue was noted in 9.2 in the previous post, and we are on 11.5.11506.999Views0likes0CommentsHow to automatic raise review from SVN check in?
I am using SVN check-in for my project. Is there any scope in Collaborator "Collaborator Enterprise 11.2.11200 © 2005-2017 SmartBear Software, Inc. Version 11.2.11200.355" to automatically raise reviews after SVN check-in. Thanks. Regards Prasanna1.1KViews0likes0Comments