Forum Discussion

sathish_subrama's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

unable to enable OCR in test complete

unable to enable OCR in test complete.

In FILE->Install extension-> when i enable ocr it ask for license window, when i enter valid liscence its swhoing as "Already used in the computer". 


retry optiin is shown.


Again when i went to FILE->Install extension->, OCr option is unchecked.

please check and help me

  • Hi,

    TestComplete has two types of licenses: a Node-Locked License or a Floating User license, check what kind of license you use.

    Log on to http://localhost:1947 and try to check some information about your "already used" licenses.

    But... what I recommend is to write a ticet to support SmartBear. They work really fast and have more information about your licenses than you can really find yourself.

1 Reply

  • Wamboo's avatar
    Community Hero


    TestComplete has two types of licenses: a Node-Locked License or a Floating User license, check what kind of license you use.

    Log on to http://localhost:1947 and try to check some information about your "already used" licenses.

    But... what I recommend is to write a ticet to support SmartBear. They work really fast and have more information about your licenses than you can really find yourself.