Forum Discussion

mfremont-smith's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

WaitElement and search from current element

The WaitElement Documentation states: "To search through the entire page starting from the page’s root element, put a double slash (//) at the beginning of the XPath expression. To start the search from the current element, use a dot (.)."


My Problem:

This returns a valid object, but it is very slow. I'm guessing its slow because it starts with double slash (//) which means it searches the entire page, of which there are tons of elements.




This is my attempt at starting the xpath with a dot(.), but it causes an "object does not exist" error:




Can someone provide a working example of an xpath expression that starts with a dot (.) ?

  • Hi,


    I guess that XPath should be like this:


    note double slash after dot.


    Does it help ?


2 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    I guess that XPath should be like this:


    note double slash after dot.


    Does it help ?