Forum Discussion

dbrewer's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Tooltip compare is not matching

I'm using the following code to try and compare a tooltip to a store variable.

call aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.testing1.ToolTipNativeWindow, "Caption", cmpEqual, strTT)


That line always errors out and says that the text doesn't match.

Actual value

"When checked, all settings and software options (any items saved to memory) revert to their original state when the software is closed. Administration and Response Devices preferences are not affected."

Expected value

"When checked, all settings and software options (any items saved to memory) revert to their original state when the software is closed. Administration and Response Devices preferences are not affected."

They are the same. 

The stored variable has a vbCRLF in it as well for a return line that's in the actual tooltip,

strTT = "When checked, all settings and software options (any items saved to memory) revert to their original state when the software is closed." & vbCRLF & "Administration and Response Devices preferences are not affected."

However it always fails. I'm not sure why, and everything I've tried isn't fixing it. If I just store the text from the tooltip and compare it to itself it works fine of course, but it just won't work with my stored variable.

Any ideas?

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