Forum Discussion

nastester's avatar
Regular Contributor
2 years ago

Speed up Property Checkpoints?

I have a keyword test that checks that an object does NOT exist:, "Exists", 0, false, true


When I use a property checkpoint that is asserting if something does exist, it is very quick. But when it's false, it takes more time to confirm that it is indeed not present on the page (like 12 seconds or so).

Is there any way to speed up these checks? 

I am aware of the Project Properties setting for Playback but it is my understanding that this is for all actions within a test and I don't want that to be too fast. I already have that set at 50ms.



  • This might help,

    Rclick the property checkpoint, select "Set auto-wait time" set that to a lower amount.


4 Replies

  • MW_Didata's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    This might help,

    Rclick the property checkpoint, select "Set auto-wait time" set that to a lower amount.


  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Also note, to check the property value of "Exists", the object buttonManageemployeestab must also exist i.e. must not be null.

    • nastester's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      rraghvani That tab does exist on other pages. If certain criteria exist, it should display.

      Is there a better way other than Exists to check that a certain object is not visible on a page?