Forum Discussion

kathir_43's avatar
2 years ago

Reading data from Large CSV file

I have a large CSV file with more than 25k rows of record and i wanted single row based on condition. we tried to use DDT.CSVDriver for reading the data it works perfectly for file with less data(below 1000) and for large files(more than 2lakhs) it tooks more 2 hrs. It is not able to read data even then as testcomplete closed abruptly. Is there any way we can use some query for handling this files? 

Sample CSV file:

TCName , FirstName,LastName,Age

TC001,Rocky, jack,23



TC010 ,James,kingsly,45




It will have 2 lakhs record and based on TestCase (like TC010 ) , i have to retrieve FirstName,LastName and age.


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