Forum Discussion

MarcusBengtsson's avatar
Frequent Contributor
2 years ago

Popup browser window not recognized

Hi! I am currently trying to select a property checkpoint on the popup browser window . I am not able to get it to target the browser window 2. I did try to set focus, change the namemapping (alias etc) but nothing works. 


I've had this problem before and I had to skip this step then but I need it to work now. 


First test goes well, it opens the window, navigates to the Module library, clicks on the help document (?) which opens a pop up window with the information. From here it is not possible to do a property checkpoint, it will continue to do the checkpoint on the original window.


Here is how it looks in Test Complete, I tried to change the Aliases to browserwindow2 but no success.

3 Replies

  • MarcusBengtsson's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    I got it to somewhat work but its not a nice solution, I closed the primary window which caused the "browserwindow2" to become "browserwindow".. But I still need to fix so it is possible to check properties on browser2 😞

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    For example, adding an additional property such as WndCaption will uniquely identify BrowserWindow 0 and 1




    • MarcusBengtsson's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      I will try this, was thinking about something like this. Thanks!