Forum Discussion

aamonto's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Execute scripts by command line is not working for TestExecute 15



Can someone help me with the following issue? Previously I created a bat file to execute some scripts with TestExecute, this worked for a year but then stopped working when I update TestComplete and TestExecute to the 15 version, when I execute the same bat file I am getting the following error message:


"Windows cannot find 'TestExecute.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again"


I already tried to open first TestExecute with the following command line "START /I TestExecute.exe" but I am just getting the following message "The system cannot find the file TestExecute.exe". For now I am doing the following workaround:


1) Open manually (double click) TestExecute

2) Exit the software from the toolbar so it gets closed

3) Running again the same bat file with this command line:

                 "start /wait "TestExecute" TestExecute.exe "C:\Users\user\Testing.pjs" /r /p:Testing /t:"KeywordTests|Test" /run /exit /SilentMode

4) Following the previous steps the bat file works and all the scripts are executed, even if I execute the same bat file multiple times, the issue is just the first time that I want to execute the scripts because it doesn't find TestExecute


Could you please help me with this issue? for now I am fine with the workaround but eventually we will execute the scripts using TaskScheduler  and the bat file, thank you and please let me know any comment or question.

  • Sounds like you need to add the path to TestExecute to your PATH environmental variable.

7 Replies

  • Sounds like you need to add the path to TestExecute to your PATH environmental variable.

    • aamonto's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      After adding the path of "Test Execute 15" to the PATH environment variable I was able to execute the scripts using the bat file, thank you for all your help


      Note: For the people that has the same issue, I added the following path "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 15\Bin" into the PATH environment variable

      • Egg's avatar
        Frequent Contributor

        Hello, I wonder, What is the 'PATH environment variable' ?? 

    • aamonto's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Ok, unfortunately I don't have permissions to do it, let me ask the support team to add it to the PATH environment variable and see if this fix the issue, thank you for your response, I will get back with the results