Forum Discussion

akalogeropoulos's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Access address bar Google Chrome

I need to able to read the URL in the addresse bar of Google Chrome. I'm not able to access the address bar with "Object Spy". Any suggestion?

Best regards,


1 Reply

  • Ryan_Moran's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    The URL will be contained within the page object Name and FullName properties.



    Assuming you have only one page open you can retrieve the "address" like so:


    wshell = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell');

    myCurrentURL = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page('*').Name.replace(/page\(/i,'').replace('\"','');


    If you want an array returned of all pages I wrote this function for you:


    wshell = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell');

    var myURLArray = listAllURL('chrome');

    for (var c = 0;c < myURLArray.length;c++){



    function listAllURL(myBrowser){

    var urlList = [];

    if (!Sys.WaitBrowser(myBrowser,0).Exists){

     return urlList;


    var browserArray = VBArray(Sys.FindAll('Name','*' + myBrowser + '*',1,true)).toArray();

    for (var browser = 0;browser < browserArray.length;browser++){

     var objectArray = VBArray(browserArray[browser].FindAll(['Name'],['*Page*'],1,true)).toArray();

     for (var object = 0;object < objectArray.length;object++){

      var pageName = objectArray[object].Name.replace(/page\(/i,'');

      urlList.push(pageName.substr(1,pageName.length - 3));



    return urlList;
