Forum Discussion

ChrisG65's avatar
6 years ago

running vstest.console.exe from TestComplete

I have a need to run an existing Visual Studio unit test project from TestComplete.  The instructions I have found are for mstest.exe, but mstest was supplanted by vstest.console at Visual Studio 2012 and my tests were written in VS 2017.


Setting the Path to MSTest to the path for mstest.exe results in no tests being found in my test project's DLL.  This is the same result I get by running it from the command line.


MSTest.exe /testcontainer:C:\code\CodeDescription\Service\test\CodeServiceTests\bin\Debug\CodeDescriptionTests.dll...

Starting execution...
No tests to execute.


Running the same tests using 


vstest.console.exe C:\code\CodeDescription\Service\test\CodeServiceTests\bin\Debug\CodeDescriptionTests.dll


Total tests: 8. Passed: 8. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0.
Test Run Successful.


Setting my test engine path in TestComplete to vstest.console.exe gives me the same usage error

as running


vstest.console.exe /testcontainer:C:\code\CodeDescription\Service\test\CodeServiceTests\bin\Debug\CodeDescriptionTests.dll



So, is there a way to get TestComplete to use vstest and not put the /testcontainer: in the command it executes?

Any other solution to this problem?





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