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endorium's avatar
Frequent Contributor
7 years ago

Using project variable with in SQL query



I am writing some workbook tests. In this on one line I need to insert a line into the DB. Problem is I want to use a project variable to specify the data I want to insert.


I have variables for the computer its running on and the DB. I need IPADDRESS to use a project variable.

Any way to do this. I have had a good search and cant find anything.



"use "........DB"
insert into Listeners (IpAddress,PortNumber,IsDeleted)
Values ('IPADDRESS','50002','False')"

1 Reply

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    How are you executing your SQL code? 


    If you're using ADO objects, then it's a matter of formatting your SQL Query string to concatenate the variable in the necessary place.


    Something like below. The code is untested so I wouldn't copy and paste as is, but notice the concatenated string assignment to Qry.SQL.:


    function Testquery()
      var Qry;
      // Create a query
      Qry = ADO.CreateADOQuery();
      // Specify the connection string
      Qry.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
      "Data Source=C:\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VB98\\biblio.mdb";
      // Specify the SQL expression
      Qry.SQL = "insert into Listeners (IpAddress,PortNumber,IsDeleted)
    Values (\'" + Project.Variables.IPADDRESS + "\','50002','False')";
      // Execute the query
      // Closes the query