Forum Discussion

mgroen2's avatar
Super Contributor
8 years ago

TestComplete's roadmap, including feature requests

On the feature request page you can see a lot of new ideas, feature requests have been added by the all of us community members.


I wonder if it would be in any way possible to give some sort of estimation as to how and when some of the features are going to be (or thought of) implemented in future versions of TestComplete? I mean some sort of a roadmap.

Personally, I am a fan of transparency and I also hope not only amount of votes (or kudos) will be the one and only criteria for the selection.... (eg I have some features I'd love to see implemented but these seem to be irrelevant to others given they have little to no kudos).


PS: TestComplete is a great product of course, and I think by implementing the feature requests done by the community would make TC even better.

  • NisHera's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    I have seen this request /suggestion somewhere before.  And answer was “There is a Status for each request” unfortunately “ status”  doesn’t make any sense to me as an user. And as far as remember, time frame cannot be expose since it’s subject to change and it’s on the hand of TC internal development team.


    having said that agree with mgroen2 it's a great product and visibility would make it better.

    • mgroen2's avatar
      Super Contributor

      NisHera wrote:

      I have seen this request /suggestion somewhere before.  And answer was “There is a Status for each request” unfortunately “ status”  doesn’t make any sense to me as an user. And as far as remember, time frame cannot be expose since it’s subject to change and it’s on the hand of TC internal development team.


      having said that agree with mgroen2 it's a great product and visibility would make it better.

      NisHera thanks for the feedback. Indeed I remember asking for more 'transparancy' regarding feature request (and their follow up plans)... 

      On the feedback page it's announced that 'We need your help' ..let's just hope all the feedback (feature requests) get rewarded somehow, in the near future...!


  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    Again, as noted, there are other technological factors at work. Honestly, if I had my druthers, I'd prefer to see TestComplete stay on top of rapidly changing mobIle and Web technologies and maintaining their support of the various application frameworks and components. This, by itself, is a huge effort. Some of the bells and whistles we are asking for, while nice to have, are able to be worked around with script code and other efforts. Not supporting the latest browser version or component library is not something that can be worked around.

    While on one level I agree it would be nice to see some movement on those feature requests, they, by no means, are mission critical for doing the work. I'm willing to give SmartBear the leeway to delay implementation so long as they continue to enhance the aforementioned critical things... which they are so I'm fine.
    • mgroen2's avatar
      Super Contributor

      tristaanogre wrote:
      Again, as noted, there are other technological factors at work. Honestly, if I had my druthers, I'd prefer to see TestComplete stay on top of rapidly changing mobIle and Web technologies and maintaining their support of the various application frameworks and components. This, by itself, is a huge effort. Some of the bells and whistles we are asking for, while nice to have, are able to be worked around with script code and other efforts. Not supporting the latest browser version or component library is not something that can be worked around.

      While on one level I agree it would be nice to see some movement on those feature requests, they, by no means, are mission critical for doing the work. I'm willing to give SmartBear the leeway to delay implementation so long as they continue to enhance the aforementioned critical things... which they are so I'm fine.

      tristaanogre I don't disagree with you. Priority needs to be set, and one of the major things is keep up to date with support of latest technologies.
      However, focus should be more than just that. I mean, there is (I guess) a capable development team with good technical skills working at SmartBear. They should be doing theirs jobs by keeping the product up-to-date. That includes the whole spectrum of product development: supporting of latest technologies, bug fixes, follow up of feature requests as well.


      Let me put it this way: what is the point of setting up a forum on which feature requests can be reported, while not having implemented a proper following up procedure? Look at the numbers: approx. 320 feature requests are entered. Implemented are 25, thats a 7,8 percent ratio. And I am talking about a time frame of 2 years...


      That's not illustrating an appreciation of the user feedback on the forum.


      I (and am sure other active forum members) have put effort in entering useful and realistic product updates in the feature requests section. I would like to see this effort rewarded. And see proper follow up on the entered feature requests.


      • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
        Hi Team,

        First of all, I want to thank you for all the feature requests you submit. We really appreciate it!

        We have a team allocated to review the ideas with the highest ratings, and they do this on a regular basis. Some ideas are approved for implementation, others are postponed for various reasons including technical limitations.

        The rating system allows us to choose features that you really want to see in TestComplete. So, we focus on the most popular feature requests. If you feel that you submitted an idea that TestComplete really needs, ask other community members to vote it up. Our Team will review it and make a decision.