[TechCorner Challenge #8] Finding Elements on a Web Page
Hi TestComplete Community!
Today, I bring you a new TechCorner Challenge task π
By completing the tasks, you will not only learn TestComplete features but also get into the TechCorner Leaderboard.
Today we will use the Leaderboard table itself to sharpen your skills! Letβs use TestComplete to find out if a user is on the table and how many points they gained so far!
Task: Create a TestComplete script that will go to the Leaderboard page, search for yourself (by your user name) and a user named tristaanogre in the table and, if this user is mentioned on the Leaderboard, post their score to the log.
Can you compete with people in the Leaderboard?π
Tip: You can use FindChild or FindElement in your script.
Note: You will need a Web Module to fulfill this task.
Good luck!
Task: Create a TestComplete script that will go to the Leaderboard page, search for yourself (by your user name) and a user named tristaanogre in the table and, if this user is mentioned on the Leaderboard, post their score to the log.
This is a solution created for [TechCorner Challenge #8]
'The following Vb Script code can find the solution for Tech Corner Challenge #8.
Sub LeaderBoardSearchDetails() Url = "https://community.smartbear.com/t5/TestComplete-General-Discussions/Leaderboard-and-Guide-to-Weekly-TestComplete-TechCorner/m-p/205075#M38161*" Call Browsers.Item(btChrome).Run(Url) set Page = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("*") set TechCornerChallenge_BoardText = Page.FindChild("contentText", "Techcorner challenge Leaderbord", 1000) Sys.HighlightObject TechCornerChallenge_BoardText,2 TechCornerChallenge_BoardTable = Page.FindAll("className", "techcornerleaderboard", 1000) 'Sys.HighlightObject TechCornerChallenge_BoardTable(0),2 ColumnName = Page.EvaluateXPath("//*[@id='bodyDisplay']/div/table/tbody/tr[1]/th", 1000) NoOfRows = Page.EvaluateXPath("//*[@id='bodyDisplay']/div/table/tbody/tr", 1000) If UBound(ColumnName)>0 And UBound(NoOfRows)>0 Then For i= LBound(ColumnName) to UBound(ColumnName) If ColumnName(i).contentText = "Participant" Then LeaderBoardParticipants = Page.EvaluateXPath("//*[@id='bodyDisplay']/div/table/tbody/tr/td[2]", 1000) Points = Page.EvaluateXPath("//*[@id='bodyDisplay']/div/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/following-sibling::td", 1000) For j=LBound(LeaderBoardParticipants) to UBound(LeaderBoardParticipants) ParticipantUser1 = "@mkambham" ParticipantUser2 = "@tristaanogre" If LeaderBoardParticipants(j).contentText = ParticipantUser1 Then User1Details = "Participant Id: "+LeaderBoardParticipants(j).contentText & " and Points: "+Points(j).contentText Log.Message User1Details End If If LeaderBoardParticipants(j).contentText = ParticipantUser2 Then UserDetails2 = "Participant Id: "+LeaderBoardParticipants(j).contentText & " and Points: "+Points(j).contentText Log.Message UserDetails2 End If Next For j=LBound(LeaderBoardParticipants) to UBound(LeaderBoardParticipants) ParticipantWithDetails = "Participant Id: " & LeaderBoardParticipants(j).contentText & " and Points: "& Points(j).contentText & VbNewLine AllParticipantsWithDetails = AllParticipantsWithDetails + ParticipantWithDetails Next Log.Message "AllParticipants Details in Single Log..." Log.Message AllParticipantsWithDetails End If Next End If End Sub
Task: Create a TestComplete script that will go to the Leaderboard page, search for yourself (by your user name) and a user named tristaanogre in the table and, if this user is mentioned on the Leaderboard, post their score to the log.
This is a solution created for [TechCorner Challenge #8]
//JavaScript function test1(){ Browsers.Item(btChrome).Run("https://community.smartbear.com/t5/TestComplete-General-Discussions/Leaderboard-and-Guide-to-Weekly-TestComplete-TechCorner/m-p/205075") var page = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("*"); let user1 = page.FindChildByXPath("//td/a[contains(text(),'prekar')]"); let user2 = page.FindChildByXPath("//td/a[contains(text(),'tristaanogre')]"); if ((user1 != null)||(user2 != null)){ if (user1 != null){ let point1 = page.FindChildByXPath("//td/a[contains(text(),'@tristaanogre')]/following::td[1]"); Log.Message("User prekar points " + point1.textContent); } if(user2 != null){ let point2 = page.FindChildByXPath("//td/a[contains(text(),'@tristaanogre')]/following::td[1]"); Log.Message("User tristaanogre points " + point2.textContent); } } else Log.Message("Both the user not found") }
Task: Create a TestComplete script that will go to the Leaderboard page, search for yourself (by your user name) and a user named tristaanogre in the table and, if this user is mentioned on the Leaderboard, post their score to the log.
This is a solution created for [TechCorner Challenge #8]
//JScript function PostTheScore() { //Open the user leaderboard page Browsers.Item(btChrome).Navigate("https://community.smartbear.com/t5/TestComplete-General-Discussions/Leaderboard-and-Guide-to-Weekly-TestComplete-TechCorner/m-p/205075#M38161"); var Page = Sys.Browser().Page("*"); //identify the leaderboard table var table = Page.QuerySelector('table.techcornerleaderboard'); if (table.Exists) { // get the username of the connected session var userIcon = Page.QuerySelector("div.lia-quilt-row.lia-quilt-row-main-header img.lia-user-avatar-message").Click(); Page.Wait(); var myUserName = Page.QuerySelector('div.UserName a.lia-link-navigation.lia-page-link.lia-user-name-link'); Page.QuerySelector("div.lia-quilt-row.lia-quilt-row-main-header img.lia-user-avatar-message").Click(); if (myUserName.Exists) { // Search for my user (connected user) in the table props = ["ObjectType","contentText"]; values = ["Cell", "@"+myUserName.ContentText]; Mycell = table.FindChild(props, values, 20); if(Mycell.Exists) { // Display the score Log.Message("The score of my user "+ myUserName.ContentText+" is: "+table.cell(Mycell.RowIndex,2).innerText); } else { Log.Warning("My user is not found in the table of leaderboard"); } } else { Log.Warning("No user is connected"); } //Post the score of the participant tristaanogre // Search for the user in the table props = ["ObjectType","contentText"]; values = ["Cell", "@tristaanogre"]; CellP = table.FindChild(props, values, 20); if(CellP.Exists) { // Display the score Log.Message("The score of the user tristaanogre is: " +table.cell(CellP.RowIndex,2).innerText); } else { Log.Warning("The user tristaanogre is not found in the table of leaderboard"); } } else Log.Warning("The table was not found"); }