Forum Discussion

Rodrigo20's avatar
9 years ago

Selecting a row in a grid

Hi Guys


The website that I'm testing has this scenario: I have a grid that returns a lot of itens, and when I click in one of these, that item is immediataly presented on the other fields of the same screen, with all the information of it.


But, my problem is, every time I create a new item, the position of the itens change on the grid, so, I would like to know... Is there any way that I can select an specific row on the grid? for example, everytime that I run my test I would like to select the item number 5, does not matter the positon of the item on the screen, I want always to select the item 5, is there anyway that I can do that?



Thank you very much!

10 Replies

    • Rodrigo20's avatar



      Thank  you very much for helping, but I still have a doubt...

      Actually, I explained wrong which element I need to select

      It is not a Grid actually, is  table...

      I'm using a basic table from bootstrap with an ng-repeat (angular), as you guys can see below:


      basic table (bootstrap)







      And I did not find anything on how I can work with this kind of table, on the link that you provided...

      So, could you guys please help me, on how can I select a specific value in this table?



      Thank you very much!

      • Rodrigo20's avatar

        Does anyone have any idea, on how can I work on this problem?