Forum Discussion

saurabh1484's avatar
13 years ago

Is it possible to find Parent?


Is it possible to find the parent of a child? Like we have FindChild method to get the child object. Same way do we have any other method or function to do vice versa?



8 Replies

  • jose_pita's avatar
    Super Contributor
    How do you want to identify the parent? Isn't it easier to just use the Find function to find the parent?

    Why do you use that getPropertyValue function? Isn't it easier to just

    Log.Message(obj.tooltip)//if it throws an error do obj.tooltip.toString()

    Code to get the parent:

    var parent;



    parent = yourObject.parent;

    while( != "nameOfTheParent")

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi Saurabh,

    or I just have to traverse thru loop to reach the exact parent?

    You're absolutely right. You need to create a loop that will get the parent object of the current one and check the specified conditions for this object. If the object doesn't meet the specified condition, increase the counter value and repeat the iteration (get the parent object of the previously selected parent object), and so on.

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi Saurabh,

    All processes, windows, controls and on-screen objects have the Parent property. This property returns a reference to the parent object of the current one.

    Does this information help?

  • Thanks Irina. The information helps.

    But using this property i can find immediate parent  only. Is it possible to find the parent at any level or I just have to traverse thru loop to reach the exact parent?

    I am using a WPF application, and when i am using

    var value=


    aqObject["GetPropertyValue"](ObjName,"ToolTip") function, I am getting Junk value in the output.


    Please see the attached snapshot. On doing a mouse hover on the log message, i can the exact value present in the tooltip(Available in the same snapshot)

    Do you have any solution, so that i can get the same output what is present in tooltip. I assume this junk value in the output is a new line character which testcomplete is not able tor ecognize?


  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hi Can someone pls post the sample code to find parent object as irina suggested
  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hi i can able to get only parent object. i knew somthing which gets grandparent lik


    but i need something lik which automatically counts no.of parents and need to search for supported property in that object

    for example mapped name is


    i need to find if any parent object support particular property

    something lik

       if aqobject.issupported(obj.parent, "gridMove") then


      End if

    but i didnt kw how to find no.of parent obj count implement in loop

  • This example is from a Java SWT project:

        //oTCControl is the child to start searching at and continue back up the tree looking  for the first parent containing with a string value in the data field.

          for (var i = aTCFullName.length - 1; i > 1; i--) {


                   if (aqObject.IsSupported(oTCControl,"JavaClassName") && oTCControl.getData() != null

               && oTCControl.getData().JavaClassName == 'String' ) {

                 sTemp = oTCControl.getData().OleValue;

                sTemp = sTemp.replace(/ /g, '');    




                   oTCControl = oTCControl.Parent;

