Forum Discussion

nulllaw's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

How to share the namemapping and script file across multiple projects

Hi all,

Anyone know how to share the namemapping and script file across multiple projects under same project suite?

For example, I have a project suite with 3 projects (P1, P2, P3) and there is a namemapping and some script stored in P1 and want to re-use the mapping in P2 and P3. 



5 Replies

  • sastowe's avatar
    Super Contributor
    What I do is this, from an organizational standpoint. I keep all my projects in a single suite. There is one project that I call zFramework or some such generic name. Within the suite, I also have projects that are consumers of the framework files. So the folder structure on Windows lookes like

    - SuiteFolder

       - Project1

       - Project2


    In the zFramework project, I store all of the things that are resuable across projects including scripts and name mapping. (I think that may be all actually because IIRC events cannot be shared.)

    When adding these items to the other projects, I add existing and point to the folder of the zFramework project.

  • The article mention does not help. It doesn't mention anything about the NameMapping objects.
  • jusbat's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Delete any NameMapping element you already have in the project, right-click the project and choose Add>Existing Item, then navigate to where your namemapping file is saved and select it. It should add NameMapping to your project with a blue arrow to indicate it is shared.
  • Whats worked for me is merging the name mapping files.   Add NameMapping to the project then right click on the NameMapping file and select Merge with...  then navigate to the NameMapping.tcNM file in the other project.  The files are no longer linked doing it this way, but can be re-merged later to bring everyone up to speed and this way I can deploy a single project to a test machine instead of all the project suites.