Forum Discussion

bhoppe's avatar
New Contributor
15 years ago

Why does object exist in Object Browser but not in test script while debugging

I'm debugging my test script, and break at a point where it checks if a window exists. I delay the script until the window exists:

  while(!Aliases["SwitcherProDT"]["WaitWinFormsObject"]("MainWnd", 0)["Exists"])




Its not finding "MainWnd" even after it comes up. So I pause the script at this point. In my watch list I add:


and it shows the value as False. I check the Object Browser and it shows Exists as True. At first I thought it was a mapping issue 'cause in the browser it has it listed as:

- Sys

  - ["Process"]("SwitcherProDT")

    -["Window"]("", "SwitcherPro Desktop - TPS54611 6V to 0.9V @ 0.1A - 2188", 1)

But, the properties for this "Window" as the mapped name listed as Aliases["SwitcherProDT"]["MainWnd"].

So, why does the browser sees that it exists but the script doesn't?

1 Reply

  • Hi Brandon,

    The problem is that your application is not recognized as Open. Try increasing the 'Method invoke timeout' option's value (right-click your project in Project Explorer | Edit | Properties | Open Applications | General).