Forum Discussion

obaid_shirwani's avatar
10 years ago

TestComplete support for automating REST API

Hi folks,


I have to automate REST API's using TestComplete. According to a previous thread REST-web-services, there was no support for automating REST API's at that time. I could not find it the current documentations.


Is it still not available in the latest versions of TestComplete?




Obaid Shirwani

  • chicks's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    Hi Obaid,


    I ended up automating these programmatically using javascript without any explicit support from TestComplete, though my tests still run from TC.


    Here's some sample code:


    function v2_getVirtualCardNumber (token , memberID, progUDK)



    var message = baseURL + "v2/" + progUDK + "/members/" + memberID + "/cards" ;


    return http_request_member( token, message, "GET", "" );




    function http_request_member (memberAccessToken, URL, method, formData, optionalAPIaccessToken) {

    Log.Message( "token " + memberAccessToken );

    Log.Message(" message in additional info", URL);

    Log.Message(" formData in additional info", formData);


    var XmlHttpRequest;


    XmlHttpRequest = null;

    XmlHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0");


    if ( ( method == undefined) || (method == "") ) {

    method = "GET";



    var curl;

    if ( method == "GET") {

    curl = "curl --insecure -H \"Content-type: application/json\" -H \"memberAccessToken:"+memberAccessToken+"\" -X " + method + " " + formData + " " + URL;


    else {

    curl = "curl --insecure -H \"Content-type: application/json\" -H \"memberAccessToken:"+memberAccessToken+"\" -X " + method + " -d " + formData + " " + URL;


    Log.Message(" curl in additional info=", curl+"=");


    // Method, URL, Asynchronous, UserName, Password)

    // method e.g. GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS...

    // Asynchronous = true, do not wait on a server response, false, pause current execution utnil the request is complete, URL, false);

    // Name, Value

    XmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

    XmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("memberAccessToken", memberAccessToken);

    if ( (optionalAPIaccessToken != undefined) && ( optionalAPIaccessToken != EMPTY) ) {

    Log.Message("header access_token " + optionalAPIaccessToken + " added to request");

    XmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("access_token", optionalAPIaccessToken);



    try {

    Log.Message("http_request: reply in additional info", XmlHttpRequest.responseText);

    return XmlHttpRequest.responseText;


    catch (e) {

    return "Error" + e ;




    • obaid_shirwani's avatar

      Hey Chicks,


      I am extremely thankful for this. Let me investigate on this. Will update my findings after implementing your work.




      Obaid Shirwani

    • fazlook's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      chicks Interesting, could you please explain your variables ?

      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        > could you please explain your variables ?

        Which ones? In what code (snippet)?