Forum Discussion

VegasQA's avatar
10 years ago

TestComplete Increments an Object Name Which Prevents Playback

In this app I'm testing, there's some navigation links embedded in an object.  I've manually written steps for Click to hit the links and have been able to verify the correct pages load in the main panel of the app.

When one of the links is clicked, the navigation updates to be relevant to the new screen.

When I scripted this, a combination of a lot of manual editing and a little bit of recording, everything worked fine.  However, when I returned later to run the script, TestComplete incremented the name of the navigation object containing the links.  Since before it was "Name" and TC renamed it to "Name1", obviously the script fails.

I thought I saw mentioned somewhere that using NameMapping I could use a wildcard (*) to work for any incrementing TC takes it upon itself to do, but that's where I'm lost.  What is renamed to "Name*" and where?  I've tried renaming the first object name to "Name*" but it failed.  I tried renaming "Name1" to "Name*" but that failed.  I tried renaming the steps in the test to "Name*" but that wasn't allowed.

Any specific direction on how to either keep TC from doing its bewildering (and needless) incrementing or how to properly use the wildcard would be most appreciated.

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