Forum Discussion

Wamboo's avatar
Community Hero
6 years ago

Boost TestComplete code autoCompletion

Has anyone ever tried to write their intellisense plug-in for e.g. WebStorm with TestComplete interface structure?


or vice versa through "script extension" and their available code completion read files and create a 'better' intellisense than it is now in TestComplete IDE?


Additional question.
Have you encountered somewhere in the files or in the online sources with the object interface declaration currently available in the Intellisense TestComplete IDE?

  • cunderw's avatar
    Community Hero

    I believe LinoTadros created something with TypeScript that allows you have the code completion in a different editor and the transpiles it to normal JavaScript for test complete to use.

    • Wamboo's avatar
      Community Hero

      Thanks for suggestions.


      I am going to write a message to LinoTadros and ask him about it.


      Does anyone else have any idea?

      • sonya_m's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

         Wamboo , please keep us posted if you get a reply from Lino.

  • No. But it would be a really need thing, when having a large framework.
    I'll be watching this topic for sure.


