Forum Discussion

nicholasglen's avatar
11 years ago

Statistics by Web Service

We have 4 soap web services we call which have a request and response.

I have created loadui tests which execute as part of 6 different test scenarios (based on business process). In looking at the statistics I can't seem to find a way to report out the total requests per web service(not scenario request), and the min/max/ and average response times. I could do it myself by taking the individual calls within each scenario and add them up and calculate in an Excel spreadsheet, but that would be a huge effort.
It seems even if I just put web services in their own scenario I would still need to do calculating, as I am sending in requests of varying sizes. For example, I call a member service with 1 to 25 member numbers and return the results. I have several request documents to handle this (1, 3, 9, 25 members).
We want to be able to test to see where there are bottlenecks are response issues with the soap services.
Is there a way to simply report out statistics on web service calls uniquely, as opposed to requests that are in scenarios?

1 Reply

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hello Nicholas!

    Good question, If you have your requests to different web services separated into different Runners you can get the request statistic from each runner that would correspond to different web services.

    To achieve this with the SoapUI runner you have to have a SoapUI project that only have calls to a single web service on each TestCase. When you then use a TestCase in a SoapUI Runner in LoadUI the runner will only report requests to the corresponding web service. To display "requests per second" statistics from the SoapUI runner just add the Sent -> Per Second statistic to a chart.

    There is currently no way of aggregating statistics from different runners, so if you have different runners calling a web service (maybe in different scenarios) there is currently not possible to threat this as one statistic.

    Feel free to ask any further questions!
