Test run groovy statistics
Here is a script which logs in the status of the test suites / test cases.
// Define variables for holding test suites, test cases and test steps
def testSuites
def testCases
def passedTestCases = 0
def failedTestCases = 0
// Get the list of test suites
testSuites = runner.getResults()
// Iterate through each test suite
testSuites.each() {
log.info "----------------------------------------"
log.info "The test suite " + "'" + it.getTestSuite().getName() +"'" + " has the status " + it.getStatus() + "."
log.info "The following are the contained test cases..."
// Get all the test cases and iterate through them
testCases = it.getResults()
testCases.each() {
log.info "...the test case " + "'" + it.getTestCase().getName() +"'" + " with the status " + it.getStatus() + "."
if ( it.getStatus().toString().equals("PASS") ) {
} else {
log.info "The number of passed test cases is " + passedTestCases.toString() + " while the number of failed test cases is " + failedTestCases.toString() + "."
passedTestCases = 0
failedTestCases = 0
Published 3 years ago
Version 1.0