Forum Discussion

maxtester's avatar
8 years ago

WebService - Parts of response are undefined in the object

Hi all,


I'm getting crazy with the testcomplete- implementation for WebServices. 

My problem is that I am not able to acces all objects in my resoponse.

What I have done:

1. WSDL is included in the project

2. Request is ok and I have a valid response


My Call: 


var Result;
var TypeFactory;
var MyObj = WebServices.SP_Webservice.TypeFactory.GetSafe1

//Get the type factory for the web service
TypeFactory = WebServices.SP_Webservice.TypeFactory;
//Make the webservice call
var Result = WebServices.SP_Webservice.GetSafe(MyObj);


The response is like this:

  • Safe
    • innerSafeAmount
      • whatever
        • whatever item 1
        • whatever item 2
    • outerSafeAmount
    • whatever
      • whatever item 1
      • whatever item 2
    • owner
      • whatever
        • whatever item 1
        • whatever item 2


When I try to access the red marked items I can see thta they are undefined, although the is the right count of objects. Everything that is green or black is available in the object. I'am really getting crazy because I realy don't know what to do else.


The XML- response in the object is 'Result' is also ok, so all items are there.


Unfortunatly I am not allowed to upload the WSDL or my project but maybe someone can help me out

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