Forum Discussion

gaborBKI's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Turn off wiki markup formatting in Test Details

Hi, I have a slight problem with the Test Step / Data / Result fields that have the wiki markup formatting automatically applied to them.


I use a lot of GUIDs in these fields, and I'd like to know if it is possible to turn off the automatic formatting as this causes that every number which is between two hyphen symbols get the strikethrough format applied; plus they also lose the hyphens before and after them.


For example:

4e427949-455f-4ded-af10-f8201d07ac26 turns into: 4e427949455f4dedaf10f8201d07ac26 (+strikethrough but that's invalid in this field :)) which makes it impossible to copy and paste it correctly, even worse if it is part of a URL.

  • ccallan's avatar
    New Contributor

    I have the exact same issue with URLs that contain guids.

    Seems like this could be turned off if I knew what text field configuration it was using, all the other JIRA text fields allow you to apply a text renderer instead.  

    Maybe you found a workaround?