Unable to link test cases to Jira stories
Hi, We have enabled the trial version of Zephyr Squad on our Jira instance recently and I get the attached error when I open one of the user stories on the project for which Zephyr is enabled. Looking for some guidance on how we go about resolving this, please!13Views0likes0CommentsSelenium, TestNG Zephyr Integration
Hi, We are using Java, Selenium, TestNG Framework for our Test automation, We are working on Integrating the test case execution in JIRA Zephyr, But we are not sure what is the starting point for this integration can anyone please help me. We are having 362 test cases in our suite, and we want to have these 362 test cases results in Zephyr once execution is completed.16Views0likes0CommentsZbot configuration
Hello, I have downladed Zepyre Squad, and i want to conduct Selenium Tests using Zbot REST API. i have configured the Zbot according to the README file, but now how do i connect it back to JIRA? there are no Zbots in the Automation Test Zbot Selection Drop Down....223Views1like1CommentZephyr Scale shortcuts
Is there any documentation where we can see all of the shortcuts existent in ZS? For example, when formatting a step, there's the option to add a link to it and its shortcut is ctrl+k. I would like to know about other shortcuts, for example to change the color of a text to a specific one. Is there a way to do it using only the keyboard?31Views0likes0CommentsHow to import Jira cascade field values using Zephyr Test Importer
Hello, I am looking for suggestion on how to prepare the Excel file for Jira cascade field values when using the Zephyr Test Importer. For example, I have a Jira custom cascade field "Test Type". Option 1 = UAT Test. Option 2 = Master In Jira csv import, I would prepare the data as "UAT Test -> Master" for the custom cascade field. But in Zephyr test importer, this format didn't work. Only Option 1 was imported successfully. Option 2 was blank. Thanks, Sara529Views0likes1CommentOption for Folder creation for Test Cases
We use Zephyr Squad on cloud at my organisation. The UI at my organisation has no option to create folders for test cases. I started a trial version of Zephyr Squad. The UI on the trial version provides a test case folder creation option. The UI on the trial looks much different and better. Both are on cloud and have the same Zephyr version 1.3.25-AC. I've attached screenshots from both. Is there a way I can get the trial version experience (i.e Create folders under test case etc.) on my organisation instance? Is there a setting that determines the UI experience?21Views0likes0Commentsis it possible to automate on creation test cycles and folder under Tests>Execute Tests.
I have a requirement that in our project where we need to create folders Under Tests>Execute test>Test cycles/Folders section.Every time I need to create some set of folders and Add test cases individually.Is there a way this can be automated and reduce manual work.All I need is to create few folders and add more than 50 test cases Via search filter for each folder.242Views0likes1CommentCan we run an ad-hoc still?
I'm sitting here, we have started adding test cases and created iterations, and things are looking great. 1st iteration done, loving Zephyr and we reviewed and discussed new tests for next release. But, When I create a new test case, I want to be able to add the test case to an "Ad-Hoc" iteration, but without going to and creating something called "Ad-Hoc" first, how would people normally do that?22Views0likes1Comment"Internal Server Error" 500 code on using Save and Execute API
I have been getting an "Internal Server Error" (500 code) whenever I'm trying to use the save and execute API ( https://prod-vortexapi.zephyr4jiracloud.com/api/v1/automation/job/saveAndExecute) to upload the test execution reports. Here is an example of my request header and body: Request Header: { accessKey:{{accessKey}} jwt:{{JWT_Token}} secretKey:{{secretKey}} accountID:{{accountId}} } Request Body: { jobName:New Task jobDescription:New Task Desc automationFramework:Cucumber versionName:Unscheduled cycleName:AtestCycle createNewCycle:true appendDateTimeInCycleName:false folderName:Windows createNewFolder:false appendDateTimeInFolderName:false assigneeUser:{{accountId}} mandatoryFields:'{\"components\":[{\"label\":\"my component\",\"value\":\"my component\",\"content\":\"my component\"}],{\"reporter\":{\"label\":\"Jaya Kushwaha\",\"name\":\"Jaya Kushwaha\",\"id\":\"{{accountId}}\"}} automationVia:Upload projectKey:CC assigneeDisplayName:Jaya Kushwaha cycleStartDate:01/11/23 cycleEndDate:01/11/23 } Making this API call would result in the creation of the job on the U.I. but it is neither able to upload the cucumber report nor create the test cycle.253Views0likes2Comments