How To: Read data from the Windows Registry
Hello all, I have recently learned how to retrieve data from the Windows registry in JavaScript test units. I am using this to return the OS information and application path information. This is very useful when added to the EventControl_OnStartTest event code. This will allow you to return OS information and other needed data at each test run. Some test management systems may provide this information for you or it may be logged in the in data produced in a pipeline run. This will embed the information directly into your test log. SmartBear KB Links: Storages Object Storages Object Methods Storages.Registry Method Section Object Get SubSection Method This bit of code will return the Product Name and Current Build from the registry. This location may vary between OS's so you will want to check this with RegEdit. let Section = Storages.Registry("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); let regKeyString = Section.GetSubSection("CurrentVersion").Name; let productIdString = Storages.Registry(regKeyString, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 1, true).GetOption("ProductName", ""); let currentBuildString = Storages.Registry(regKeyString, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 1, true).GetOption("CurrentBuild", ""); Log.Message("Windows Version: " + productIdString + " Build: " + currentBuildString ) I have also found the need to find and set an application path and work folder in the project TestedApp for running through a pipeline because the pipeline deploys the application to a non-standard path. let Section = Storages.Registry("SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\<_yourSectionName>\\", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); let regKey = Section.GetSubSection(<_yourSubSectionName>).Name; let Path = Storages.Registry(regKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 0, true).GetOption("", ""); let WorkFolder = Storages.Registry(regKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 0, true).GetOption("Path", ""); let appIndex = TestedApps.Find(<_yourAppName>); if (appIndex >= 0){ if(TestedApps.Items(<_yourAppName>).Path != Path){ TestedApps.Items(<_yourAppName>).Path = Path } if(TestedApps.Items(<_yourAppName>).WorkFolder != WorkFolder){ TestedApps.Items(<_yourAppName>).Params.ActiveParams.WorkFolder = WorkFolder; } } else{ Log.Error("TestedApp " + <_yourAppName> + " does not Exist.") Runner.Stop(true); } I hope you find these links and code examples as useful as I have! Have a great day!26Views0likes0CommentsKeyword Test Names not in Sync with Execution Plan
Hello, New to TestComplete. created a number of Keyword Tests and used these tests to build an Execution Plan. I later edited the Keyword test names so they were more descriptive however noticed that the Keyword tests in the execution plan names are no longer in sync. Is there and option to force the Execution plan to update using the updated Keyword test names? or must I rebuild the execution plan from scratch?47Views0likes6CommentsDuplicate Test Cases When Uploading Results
When using the Test Automation process for uploading results in Zephyr for Jira Cloud, the process is creating duplicate test cases each time I do so. I found a discussion from four years ago informing me that the reason for this is that my junit file probably has special characters that causes confusion, but is this honestly still the case? Given test naming conventions, I can't believe this issue still hasn't been fixed.24Views0likes0CommentsZephyr Squad BDD - Adding a scenario fails because 'Description' is required
Hi I just starting out using the BDD feature in Zephyr Squad but when I try to enter the a scenario I get a pop up error message saying: {"description":"Description is required"} I've read that a feature is a "Story" type issue and a scenario is a "test" type issue but in our project "Description" is set as a required field for both stories and tests, but I don't know how to show the description field to be able to populate it for the "scenario". Any help resolving this would be most greatly appreciated. TIA Kay Note : Description is displayed for the main story/featureSolved1.6KViews0likes5CommentsVideo recording of Text Execution
Hello to everyone! I installed the VideoRecorder Extension and the last version of VLC Media Player. When I try to record a test execution in the log tab the following sentence appears: "Unable to start video recording. The VLC recorder is not installed." Why does this message appear? I uninstalled and installed again VLC but it continues to appear. How could I solve this problem? Thanks in advance to everyoneSolved1.1KViews0likes7CommentsUnable to link test cases to Jira stories
Hi, We have enabled the trial version of Zephyr Squad on our Jira instance recently and I get the attached error when I open one of the user stories on the project for which Zephyr is enabled. Looking for some guidance on how we go about resolving this, please!21Views0likes0CommentsSelenium, TestNG Zephyr Integration
Hi, We are using Java, Selenium, TestNG Framework for our Test automation, We are working on Integrating the test case execution in JIRA Zephyr, But we are not sure what is the starting point for this integration can anyone please help me. We are having 362 test cases in our suite, and we want to have these 362 test cases results in Zephyr once execution is completed.31Views0likes0CommentsZbot configuration
Hello, I have downladed Zepyre Squad, and i want to conduct Selenium Tests using Zbot REST API. i have configured the Zbot according to the README file, but now how do i connect it back to JIRA? there are no Zbots in the Automation Test Zbot Selection Drop Down....236Views1like1Comment