Forum Discussion

ah64zzp's avatar
Regular Visitor
3 years ago

Zephyr Squad Server: What format should Test Result XML file format

Hi, I'm using Zephyr Squad Server not cloud.

And I'm planning to update test exuection result in test cycle based on automated tests cases.

according to the documents above, it seems my test framework webdriverIO + cucumber are not supported here, but it do mentioned I can create automation task and upload an xml file to update the result, I'm wondering where I can find a sample of this xml file? like what kind of format should be this xml follow?



  • Hi , Yes Cucumber framework is not supported here. You can create automation task by uploading an xml file but with supported framework .
    I am uploading here sample xml file .





  • Hi , Yes Cucumber framework is not supported here. You can create automation task by uploading an xml file but with supported framework .
    I am uploading here sample xml file .


