Forum Discussion

DavidE's avatar
7 years ago

Windows 7 Event Viewer

I suspect we may use TestComplete and TestExecute very differently than most people.  We are not application developers, but infrastructure people.  We use it to validate applications both off the shelf and self developed (by other teams) work in our environment when changes are made like security patching and other security related changes.


That being said, I have a test that I am writing where I need to interact with the Windows 7 Event Viewer.  I wrote the test as a standard user account and all was well, but when I attempt to execute the test with a user account that has administrator access the object recognition for the list view on the left side fails. 


The object spy under a normal user object will recognize both the SysTreeView32 portion of the window as well as the individual objects within that window.


Under the administrator level credentials the object spy will only recognize the SysTreeView32, but not the individual objects in the list.  You can see in the object spy an error with detecting the wItems and the recommendation is to increase the auto-wait timeout.  I increased the wait to 100000ms, and still get the same error.  Screenshots attached.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I am completely stumped.

  • Are you running TestComplete as an administrator?  While you may be logged in as an admin, this doesn't necessarily mean the TestComplete/TestExecute application is also running as an admin.  

2 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    Are you running TestComplete as an administrator?  While you may be logged in as an admin, this doesn't necessarily mean the TestComplete/TestExecute application is also running as an admin.  

    • DavidE's avatar

      I am only running this test via TestComplete.  I have not scheduled it with Jenkins or set it up to run via TestExecute.  That being said, no I haven't launched TestComplete as an Administrator.  That did not occur to me to try.


      That does appear to work, but now that presents a new challenge.  How do I remotely launch TestExecute as an admin via Jenkins to initiate the test.  More work to do!

      Thanks for the tip!