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ADHDude's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Which script language do you prefer and why?

I apologize if this topic has been discussed before but I wasn't able to find what I was looking for in what is out there at the moment. 


Our team currently uses VBScript but it has been in discussion for the past couple years that we should move to something else. Currently our top two choices are between Python and Javascript. No one really has a preference because both are languages that no one has really used much on our team. Either way we will all have to get some training and learn the language but I was just curious if anyone had any opinion on what they found to be "better". Obviously some people will have their preference but I was just wondering if anyone can share their opinion and experience. 


Thank you and have a great day!

  • I personally use JavaScript because it's a very well known, easy to get into language, with A LOT of online documentation for syntax and tricks.

  • Hi,


    In a nutshell:

    VBscript :

    -- Pretty inconvenient runtime error handling. This makes VBScript almost unusable for web services testing;

    -- Does not support optional/default parameters. This complicates evolution of the library code (it is not possible to add optional parameter to the function that (parameter) gets non-default value only once or not often);

    -- Does not support short-circuit logical operations. (For example, the following condition will cause runtime error if the tested object does not exist: IF (obj.Exists AND obj.Visible) Then... )



    -- Does not support 'out' parameters (or parameters passed by reference). This forces return of JSON structure when more than one value must be returned. Also this makes it not possible to call some Win32 API functions and COM methods;

    -- Native Java arrays must be converted before they can be used in test code as parameters for the methods provided by TestComplete/COM.



    -- The language does not contain clauses to enclose if/loop/etc. structures. Thus it is not possible to restore code logic if for some reason indentation is broken. Very risky, as for me.


    P.S. [Whispering] My personal preference is DelphiScript, but too few people nowadays know what is this...


3 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    In a nutshell:

    VBscript :

    -- Pretty inconvenient runtime error handling. This makes VBScript almost unusable for web services testing;

    -- Does not support optional/default parameters. This complicates evolution of the library code (it is not possible to add optional parameter to the function that (parameter) gets non-default value only once or not often);

    -- Does not support short-circuit logical operations. (For example, the following condition will cause runtime error if the tested object does not exist: IF (obj.Exists AND obj.Visible) Then... )



    -- Does not support 'out' parameters (or parameters passed by reference). This forces return of JSON structure when more than one value must be returned. Also this makes it not possible to call some Win32 API functions and COM methods;

    -- Native Java arrays must be converted before they can be used in test code as parameters for the methods provided by TestComplete/COM.



    -- The language does not contain clauses to enclose if/loop/etc. structures. Thus it is not possible to restore code logic if for some reason indentation is broken. Very risky, as for me.


    P.S. [Whispering] My personal preference is DelphiScript, but too few people nowadays know what is this...


  • cunderw's avatar
    Community Hero

    I personally use JavaScript because it's a very well known, easy to get into language, with A LOT of online documentation for syntax and tricks.

  • NisHera's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    My personal experince is started with VBScripts since had worked with QTP.

    Then moved to jscript (TC didn't had javascript support untill later.....) and resencetly experiment with python.

    I find python is my preferable if I was given choice.