what is the proper way for resetting node-locked-license after computer upgrade
- 10 years ago
Deactivate your license and make sure that the license has been successfully deactivated before modifying your machine. Check the license page on your SmartBear Customer account (https://my.smartbear.com). If the license was successfully deactivated, then a link should be present by the license to allow you to "Get new product key".
You can deactivate your license automatically during the uninstallation of the product. While this is an easy and painless process, there is the occassional comm error which can mess it up. If the license was not successfully deactivated (ie, no link is present), then reinstall the product and try a Manual deactivation using the web site:
If you're still unable to deactivate the licenses, open up a support case and we'll be happy to help you out: