12 months agoOccasional Contributor
What is the correct format for WaitWPFObject in Python?
Here is the name mapping when I use the object spy I am running the application and getting the process with process <SPAN class="token operator">=</SPAN> TestedApps<SPAN class="token pun...
- 12 months ago
This was SUPER helpful. Thank you very much!!
Here is what I learned after using this example.
1. Basically, whatever arguments you can get to work for the WPFObject Method, you need to use the exact same arguments for the WaitWPFObject Method.2. I had misread the API and thought the WndCaption was optional. So I passed the ClassName, but left off the WndCaption so the function overloaded to assume I was passing in the Name.
So when I was using
p = Sys.Process("VirtekIrisClient")
o = p.WaitWPFObject("HwndSource: ShellView",timeout_ms)
It wouldn't work. When I used
p = Sys.Process("VirtekIrisClient")
o = p.WaitWPFObject("HwndSource: ShellView","Virtek Iris",timeout_ms)
It worked.