WebSerices : How to reload Service Details during runtime
Hi all,
I have included A WebSevice item to my project. The WSDL is on my local mashine and the endpoint also points to the mashine.
I need to run my tests on different mashines, so I have replaced the hostname with "localhost "in the file "item0.wsdata" and "webservice_Name.tcWS". Evertything works so far on the mashine where I have changed it. When I move to another mashine it doesn't work propper. The WEbService call is done, but the resolving of the response (TypeDefinitions) does not work anymore. After refresh it works again.
So my question is, if this refresh can be done automaticaly or if there is another solution?
Unfortunately, TestComplete does not support dynamic address for web services. The only workaround that I am aware of (excluding manual crafting requests in code as described in TestComplete documentation and direct correction of project files (like you tried to do)) is described here: https://community.smartbear.com/t5/TestComplete-Functional-Web/How-to-change-the-webservice-wsdl-url-by-script/m-p/74021#M14098 (and https://community.smartbear.com/t5/TestComplete-Functional-Web/Web-Service-wsdl-URL-as-variable/m-p/80267#M17310).
Hope, it will help.