Forum Discussion

lansanniu's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

web test, radom "the object does not exist"

web page test, JAVA developement.

press a button to pop-up a window. when I playback ,

sometimes   "the object does not exist" will throw in this step,

but when I try it again once or more,  it will pass. or  I close the window and open it

again manually ,then  highlight  it, it can be found. 

there is not any problem in NameMapping,  the pop-up window was defined currectly.

so what's the problem???  

 please help~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • sometimes the tested apps object idetification properties change frequent. So tc cannot identify the specified object. try 'Find' method to search for the specified object
  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    sometimes the tested apps object idetification properties change frequent. So tc cannot identify the specified object. try 'Find' method to search for the specified object
  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    So, in other words, your automated tests did EXACTLY what they were supposed to, find bugs. :-)
  • lansanniu's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I've found the reason, it is a bug of  the window ,some operation  can  make the window

    out  of  focus,so that TC  can not find  the  window .

    If I click  any  part  of  the  window  manually , make  it  in  a  focused  status , TC  can  

    playback  correctly  .

     thanks all the same ,Murugan S