Forum Discussion

mikileung's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Web dropdown menu



I am trying to write a script (Python) to 

- click the down arrow button 

- select one of the options in the drop down menu. 

Here is my script. It failed with the log saying "The object does not exist. See Details for additional information."

I am a Python beginner, it would be great if someone can help. 



def my_test():

p = Aliases.browser.pageLogon.sectionShellSplitCanvas.frameApplicationActivitytypeMana.frameIframeid.textbox_activityTypeCat
my_choice = page.Find("contentText","Manual entry, manual allocation",10,True)



  • Thanks 


    I have changed the p to narrow down the search area. I managed to find the object but now it says There was an attempt to perform an action on a zero-sized window. 

    The drop down list does not hold up, which it is very hard to map the object. That is why I used the find object method. If I map the object with the object spy, it would say the object is not under the object tree. 


    Is there a way to solve this problem? 


    Here is my adjusted code, 

    def my_test():
    # Find all enabled buttons in the Replace dialog
    p = Aliases.browser.pageLogon.sectionShellSplitCanvas.frameApplicationActivitytypeMana.frameIframeid.activityTypeCat_dropdown_var
    my_choice = p.Find("contentText","Manual entry, manual allocation",2,True)
    if my_choice.Exists:
    Log.Message("FOUND IT!")
    Log.Message("Cannot find the menu option")


2 Replies

  • BenoitB's avatar
    Community Hero

    It failed after doing the click ?


    Several possibilites:

    - find depth not enough (check object Spy)

    - using xpath

    - sometimes the windows underlying the drow down is not at page level

    - use selectItem or Item(x) or whatever method of this kind linked to dropdown object (check object spy, Methods tab)



  • mikileung's avatar
    Occasional Contributor



    I have changed the p to narrow down the search area. I managed to find the object but now it says There was an attempt to perform an action on a zero-sized window. 

    The drop down list does not hold up, which it is very hard to map the object. That is why I used the find object method. If I map the object with the object spy, it would say the object is not under the object tree. 


    Is there a way to solve this problem? 


    Here is my adjusted code, 

    def my_test():
    # Find all enabled buttons in the Replace dialog
    p = Aliases.browser.pageLogon.sectionShellSplitCanvas.frameApplicationActivitytypeMana.frameIframeid.activityTypeCat_dropdown_var
    my_choice = p.Find("contentText","Manual entry, manual allocation",2,True)
    if my_choice.Exists:
    Log.Message("FOUND IT!")
    Log.Message("Cannot find the menu option")