VBScript - Custom classes in Script Extensions?
Hopefully a simple question.
In a normal VBScript unit, you need to use a small helper function to pass an instance of a new class to a separate script unit.
(As per VBScript specifics here: http://support.smartbear.com/viewarticle/72409/ )
Which is fine.
Does the same logic hold true if the routines in question will become Script Extension units?
I'm adding much bigger TFS integration to my framework. It's using the new RESTful API into TFS so I have a JSON parser which will be used pretty frequently throughout all the TFS custom controls I'll be adding.
However, I would like to separate the JSON parser into it's own module.
So, do I still need to use the helper function way of creating new instances outside the (extension) script unit where the parser lives? Or is the logic different in Extensions and I can just declare the new instance directly in whatever module?