Forum Discussion

Nikolayev's avatar
3 years ago

Using Tesseract-OCR in TestComplete

Hi SmartBear Community,


I Use Tesseract for OCR  texte recognition ,

It works very well with to generate the .TXT file.


When the .TXT file is created, I read it with this Python script : 


Path = "D:\\TESTOCR\\Text.txt"

myFile = aqFile.OpenBinaryFile(Path, aqFile.faRead)
Log.Message("Ligne 1: "+ myFile.ReadString(1))
Log.Message("Ligne 2: "+ myFile.ReadString(2))
Log.Message("Ligne 3: "+ myFile.ReadString(3))


In the .TXT file,  I have English sentences, and I don't understand why I Have this Chinese ones in the log  : 



Tesseract use UTF-8 , so it should works ! ðŸ¤”

Someone have any idea  ?


Thank you all !



  • It works, problem solved ! I have found with this method  :   


    sPath = "D:\\TESTOCR\\Text.txt"

    myFile = aqFile.OpenTextFile(sPath, aqFile.faRead, aqFile.ctANSI)

    lNum = myFile.LinesCount
    for i in range(0, lNum):

      curLine = myFile.Line + 1
      Log.Message("The " + str(curLine) + " line is:")

      Line = myFile.ReadLine()


  • It works, problem solved ! I have found with this method  :   


    sPath = "D:\\TESTOCR\\Text.txt"

    myFile = aqFile.OpenTextFile(sPath, aqFile.faRead, aqFile.ctANSI)

    lNum = myFile.LinesCount
    for i in range(0, lNum):

      curLine = myFile.Line + 1
      Log.Message("The " + str(curLine) + " line is:")

      Line = myFile.ReadLine()


    • Mr_Bro's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Nikolayev ,


      it would be good if you share the code snippet which you used for texte recognition using Tesseract



  • Mr_Bro  I send it to you in a private message. It is exactely the same snippet sample that you can find above ,  here it is again : 

    sPath = "D:\\TESTOCR\\Text.txt"

    myFile = aqFile.OpenTextFile(sPath, aqFile.faRead, aqFile.ctANSI)

    lNum = myFile.LinesCount
    for i in range(0, lNum):

      curLine = myFile.Line + 1
      Log.Message("The " + str(curLine) + " line is:")

      Line = myFile.ReadLine()


  • hi Mr_Bro ,  It is done I share the Python code, I can explain you in private message 😉

    • Mr_Bro's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Nikolayev , not yet received the sample, can you please paste the sample snippet here or resend it please