Hi Bill
As well as using USEUNIT at the beginning of your script(s), you also need to add a reference to the global scrips that you wish to use.
For example, if you have a script called globalScript, held in a folder called Global, then if you are creating a test in folder TestGroup called test1, then at the beginning of test1 you should have the following line:
'USEUNIT globalScript
This should be the very first line of your script and should not have any spaces before it.
The next thing you need to do is to right-click on the testGroup folder and select Add >> Existing Item. Browse to the Global folder and select the globalScript file.
You will notice that this places what looks like a duplicate copy of that script into your TestGroup folder. This is not a duplicate file, but a reference to the actual file, which is still held in the Global folder. You can see this by making a change to the file in one location then opening up the file from the other location - the change you made should be visible (providing you have saved it!)
You should now be able to reference the script in the global folder.
I use this technique whereby I have defined a class in a global location and reference it from my other scripts. One more thing that you may need to be aware of is that in order to instantiate the class from your scripts, you must create a global function that can be called from your script that essentially creates a new instance of the class for use in your script.
My global file looks something like this:
Option Explicit
Function DevXCtrl
Set DevXCtrl = New clsDevXctrls
End Function
Class clsDevXctrls
End Class
The above file is saved as clsDevX so, in order to create a new instance of the class in my testing script, I use the following:
Option Explicit
Dim devX
Set devX = clsDevX.devXCtrl
This means that I can call any of the functions defined in the clsDevX class by using:
Call devX.<function name>
Hope this helps.