Forum Discussion

Actinomorphic's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

"Use extended find when possible" with "Map object names automatically" creating ambiguous mappings

With a particular web project I'm working on, having "Use extended find when possible" with "Map object names automatically" both enabled caused me endless grief. I had to disable "Use extended find when possible". With "Use extended find when possible", I was getting ambiguous mappings. TC kept using the extended property "idStr" as the unique identifier. The problem is that many objects had the same value associated with their "idStr" property. The extended property that was unique among the objects was "ObjectIdentifier".

Why did TC use this "idStr" extended property knowing that it was not unique? Why did it not opt for "ObjectIdentifier" knowing that it was unique? Is there a way to configure it such that it would use "ObjectIdentifier" rather than "idStr"?

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