Forum Discussion

15828555437's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

Use automated script to test the software which supports Multilanguage

Hi Tanya,

I have already written some scripts to test my software,but I found a question that my software supports multilanguage .how can I  wirte scipts to meet multilanguage.At the same time,I read the testcomplete help,I found that if testing application supports different language and the object identification properties are language-specific,I will create differrent name mapping configurations for different languages. if according to this,my script is used only once. this is not I want .can you help me?

1 Reply

  • aminsaurabh's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hii Yan He ,

     yes as you said object itdentification is language specific and testcomplete recognizes on screen objects by namming them as per the language set on your AUT(application under test).

    for eg: a simple toolbar button in english might be mapped as

    toolbarbutton.clickitem("speichern") --> in German where as in english it will be mapped as toolbarbutton.clickitem("save")

    and if you dont want TC to automatically name map them then you can map the object in different languages and put them in a framework library function which you can use later any where in your project.

    so the answer is yes it does support multilingual application . but if you want just refer to this post it might help