Forum Discussion

tayyab_musayyab's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

Unable to select object on iOS mobile screen.

I have tried selecting object from Object Spy option as well as Point and Fix option.

Each time error message is displayed or Test Complete stops working.

I have also tried mapping object through Object tree as well as 'Map Object from screen' option from tool bar but that also shows error message.

Here is the screencast of steps i performed:

How I could proceed then on Object selecting and performing actions on it?

1 Reply

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Tayyaba,


    As far as I see on the video, TestComplete successfully recognizes objects inside the app, but fails to catch them via the Object Spy for some reason. Could you please answer the following questions?

    1. What TestComplete version are you using? The latest one is v. 10.30. If it's possible, please install this exact version.

    2. What iOS version is installed on the device?

    Please send the answers to these questions, as well as some additional information mentioned below, to our TestComplete Support team.


    Here are the steps to collect additional information:

    1. Run the <TestComplete>\Bin\ReportGenerator.exe tool.

    2. Select the "Launch/attach to TestComplete" option.

    3. Reproduce the problem.

    4. Click the "Generate..." button in the Report Generator tool and save the report to a local folder.

    5. Send the report to our TestComplete Support team along with the link to this discussion.

