Knowledge Base Article

Click Object not on screen

Attempting to write a script to click an object that is not always on the screen.

I have an application in .Net that looks like the old Windows 8 Metro interface (lots of "tiles" with a horizontal scroll bar).

Using the object spy and aliases, I was able to find my "tile" and create a script to click it. As long as the tile is on the screen (scrolling left or right to move my tiles), it works.

However, as soon as that tile is not on the screen, it fails to find it even though it is mapped. 

I am not a developer but trying to learn. Any ideas on how to make the code click the object?


The full path of the object is:

Sys.Process("MYCustomAPP").WPFObject("HwndSource: DynamicWindow", "MYCustomAPP : test").WPFObject("DynamicWindow", "MYCustomAPP : test", 1).WPFObject("LayoutRoot").WPFObject("radTileList").WPFObject("TileGroupContainer", "Production", 7).WPFObject("Tile", "", 1).WPFObject("Grid", "", 1).WPFObject("TextBlock", "Work Order", 1)

Published 10 days ago
Version 1.0
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