Unable to load local DLL assemblies using dotNet
I am trying to access a local DLL functions following the article
So, I have added to the CLR Bridge the library that I want to access. In addition, following the tip in
https://smartbear-cc.force.com/portal/KbArticleViewer?name=Why-is-my-NET-assembly-not-getting-loaded-after-I-add-it-to-the-CLR-bridge&sp=testcomplete I have also added its dependencies
The final list added to the CLR is
However, when invoking the dotNET object I can not see the library that I want to use Framework_DataAccess
I can't see either some other libraries (p.e Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions )
I have checked with the developers, and these are all the references this application uses. so sound improbable that I am missing some other reference.
Which step I am missing? Any help will be appreciated
Note: The library is built on .NET Core 3.1. and I am using TestComplete Version:
Considering that support for .Net Core is at experimental stage in TestComplete I would create a Support ticket via the https://support.smartbear.com/message/?prod=TestComplete form and ask for their comments.