Forum Discussion

MaheshIllur's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Unable to execute the "OnHide" event of the "Root_0AA8315E_7F1E_44C7_9CC8_9A3C7AF4B163" object

Hi Team.


We are making use of user form while execution but upon execution Testcomplete ends with below error-

"Unable to execute the "OnHide" event of the "Root_0AA8315E_7F1E_44C7_9CC8_9A3C7AF4B163" object. The "AUT_OnHide" method cannot be found or it has an invalid number of parameters."


I dont see any events related to that and I am unable suppress or identify.Can you please advise what might be causing that issue.


Thanks in advance



Mahesh Illur

4 Replies

  • What is "Root_blahblahblah"? Is that the name of your user form?  If so, basically, what this means is that your user form has a bit of code or test associated with the "OnHide" event named "AUT_OnHide".  The error message basically says that either the code "AUT_OnHide" could not be found OR it is expecting a certain number of parameters that you are not passing it.


    To see what's going on, open up the user form for editing.  In the right side of the screen, there's a list of properties.  If you have a component selected, you can get to the form properties by selecting [User form] from the drop down box.


    Once you do so, you should see two options, one like a lightning bolt.  Click that... this should bring up your list of event and event handlers on the form


    Whatever is in the box next to "OnHide", that's the script routine that is being attempted to run when your form is hidden, either by closing it or setting "Visible" to false or whatever.

    • MaheshIllur's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hey , I did check earlier, yes the event was missing.


      Not sure how I ignored this. Thanks a lot for suggestion.


      It is resolved now.

  • How are calling the user form?, What are the Events you are tagged for the user form that you are using?

    • MaheshIllur's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi Shankar,


      Something like below-


      Public Function RunTest



              mr = Userforms.AUT.ModalResult


      End Function


      Evets are : OnClick, OnChange,OnShow