Forum Discussion

govind_wairya's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Unable to capture object on web page(Red Frame Issue)

Dear all

We are using trail version of  testcomplete 8 on windows 7(32 bit).Our
problem is that some time  when we click on “Select Object With Curser”
button and move mouse pointer over the desired object on the screen(ex.Link,
Button and Table etc) then selection control remains on the
“Window("MozillaWindowClass", "", 1)” and does not comes
over any page object and some time it works fine.

There is another issue with “Object Browser” panel that panel does not
contains any page object however page is open on the browser.

We are sending two screens shots please find an attachment.



2 Replies

  • Hi,

    First of all, make sure that you're using TC Enterprise and that the Web Testing plug-in is enabled (File | Install Extension...). Also, make sure that your browser is supported according to the Testing Web Applications help topic.

    If these conditions are met, try running both TC and your browser as administrator - use 'Run as administrator' in the context menu of TC's shortcut and launch the browser from TestedApps (see the Managing Tested Applications help topic).

  • Fennek's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I encountered the same problem with selecting objects on a webpage - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn`t.

    I recognized that this happens when I do something on the webpage where a reload of the webpage follows, for example checking a checkbox - the webpage reloads and for example some other objects of the page become enabled or disabled. Then TestComplete doesn`t recognize the objects on the webpage anymore, just the whole page.

    The solution for me was to insert a Website.Refresh action after every such action where a reload follows (I use keyword tests: I selected the "On-Screen Action, selected the webpage from the name mapping and chose the "Refresh" action).

    I investigated it further and recognized that this ins`t just a TestComplete problem. I installed the IE Developer Toolbar and used the highlight function of this tool. It also wasn`t able to highlight the objects after a reload.

    Then I asked our developers and they told me that this maybe could happen because our webpages use IFrames and the IFrames could be the problem.

    The big problem I have with the "Refresh" action of TestComplete is that these refreshes take quite a long time to play - my whole scripts become much slower with these refreshes (I have to use this action a lot as there are a lot of objects on my webpage where a relaod follows).

    My question is: Why takes that refresh so long to play? For example when I use the refresh of the IE Developer Toolbar this refresh takes some milliseconds - not several seconds like in TC.

    Several days ago we updated our TC to the newest version (8.20). With that version now it seems like that when I use the object spy to highlight some objects after a webpage reload the objects are highlighted and and the properties of the objects are displayed in the object spy correctly.

    So I tried to remove the refreshes from my scripts to see if it might work now without them but the scripts still stop to play and for example tell me that a disabled object can`t be clicked (I checked a checkbox which actually enabled the other object - TC still uses the property state of this object before I checked the checkbox - in the object spy the "Enabled" state of the object is displayed correctly).