9 years agoSuper Contributor
'The window was destroyed during method execution' When Using the SetText and Keys in TC 11.31
We are once again attempting to move to TC 11.31 and are unable to move past this error. The current value in the grid filter textbox must be cleared (currently using SetText) before inputting the new value (using the Keys method). The Enter key must used to trigger the grid filtering from the textbox. The following KeyWord test, which worked fine in TC 11.20, is throwing 'The window was destroyed during method execution' error. What gives?
The 'Additional Info' tab provides the following:
The window with the handle 0x00000000 does not exist. Most likely, this error occurred because the tested object (window or control) or its parent object was deleted or recreated during the method call or before it. For instance, the window could be destroyed or recreated after you stored the object reference to a variable and before you called the object method through this variable. If the object is recreated, then to avoid the error, check the object's Exists property before calling the method, and if the object does not exist, obtain a reference to the new object. Tested object: Aliases.browser.CribMaster.PrimaryWrapper.Main.sectionResults.SiteProfileGrid.frame.section.tableSplresizing.cell.panelSplresizing0Cc.tableGridviewSiteprofile.cell.panel.panel.tableGridviewSiteprofileDxheader.cell.tableGridviewSiteprofileDxfredit.cell.SiteIDFilter ()
Rolling back to 11.20 has resolved the issue. Support is looking into the problem with 11.31.