SetText over Keys for speed
Below is a bit of code that types over 4000 characters into the comment field. I changed the keys to SetText because it takes too long to type the charterers in to the field. The SetText I thought would be faster but it does not work at all. This is using Firefox version 68.5 as the browser and TC is version 14.30. Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
Thank you, BMD
TheString = LOCALBuildThe4000LongString();
var PropNames = ["Name", "idStr", "Visible"];
var PropValues = ["Textarea(\"Comments\")", "Comments", true];
var Comments_TB = Sys.Browser(ProjectSuite.Variables.Browser).Find(PropNames,PropValues,20);
if ( Comments_TB.Exists == true )
function LOCALBuildThe4000LongString()
var String1 = "Web testing Automated. ";
var String = "";
for (var i=1; i<200; i++)
String = aqString.Concat(String, String1);
return String;
So the Test Complete SetText function simply does not work at all.
I changed the code to set the Sys.Clipboard to the 4000+ text string and using the Keys("^a[Del]^v") works fine.
Thank you for trying, BMD
No, what I mean is set a text variable to some string that is 4000 characters long and just insert that into your field. There is no need to type 4000 characters separately every time. Insert the 4000 and then use Keys or SetText to try to type one more in and check to see if it worked.