The action may be performed incorrectly, because the control is not visible.
Hello, does anyone know how to disable this warning message that says "The action may be performed incorrectly, because the control is not visible." ?
I am just performing a refresh on a browser tab which sometimes is in the background (sending a .Keys("[F5]")), and for this case the warning is irrelevant so I would like to hide it at least for this single step.
I'd appreciate any help to achieve that.
We can handle log events with the 'Log' object.
For instance, you could add 'Log.Enabled = false' before the send keys action, then add 'Log.Enabled = true' after the event to turn it back on. This way no messages from that event would ever be pushed to a log.
You can find information on how to handle the Log object below;
I hope this helps!