Forum Discussion

Poida's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

Testing Destination of Windows Shortcut lnk in Start Menu Win7x64



I'm trying to get this JScript from working in TestComplete 12.6 on Win7x64.


It's to verify the target value of the shortcut (what it's trying to run).


This script is throwing an error:

JavaScript runtime error

ReferenceError: ActiveXObject is not defined

Error location:

Unit "script unit name"

Line 14 Column 18

  if (!IsShortcutValid("Programs|Accessories|Paint", "|")) {
    Log.Error("Shortcut is not valid");
  Log.Message("Shortcut is valid");
function IsShortcutValid(shortcutPath, separator)
  var WshShell, fso, startDir, allUsersStartDir, path, shortcut;
  WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
  startDir = WshShell.SpecialFolders("StartMenu") + "\\";
  allUsersStartDir = WshShell.SpecialFolders("AllUsersStartMenu") + "\\";
  path = shortcutPath.split(separator).join("\\") + ".lnk";
  fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
  if (fso.FileExists(startDir + path)) {
    shortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(startDir + path);
    return fso.FileExists(shortcut.TargetPath);
  if (fso.FileExists(allUsersStartDir + path)) {
    shortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(allUsersStartDir + path);
    return fso.FileExists(shortcut.TargetPath);
  return false;

Any advice greatly appreciated.



  • Poida's avatar
    6 years ago

    Thanks for the tips Robert.   This is what I ended up with in case anyone else is looking for this later, in javascript

    function Test_SCExists_GetSCPath()
      if (!IsShortcutValid("Programs|Accessories|Paint", "|")) {
        Log.Error("Shortcut is not valid");
      Log.Message("Shortcut is valid");
      var target = GetShortcutTarget("Programs|Accessories|Paint", "|");
      if (!target) {
        Log.Error("Shortcut doesn't exist");
    function IsShortcutValid(shortcutPath, separator)
      var StartDir, path, shortcut;
      StartDir = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\";
      path = shortcutPath.split(separator).join("\\") + ".lnk";
      if (aqFileSystem.Exists(StartDir + path)) {
        shortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(StartDir + path);
        return aqFileSystem.Exists(shortcut.TargetPath);
      return false;
    function GetShortcutTarget(shortcutPath, separator)
      var StartDir, path, shortcut;
      StartDir = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\";
      path = shortcutPath.split(separator).join("\\") + ".lnk";
      if (aqFileSystem.Exists(StartDir + path)) {
        shortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(StartDir + path);
        return shortcut.TargetPath;
      return false;
    • Poida's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks for the tips Robert.   This is what I ended up with in case anyone else is looking for this later, in javascript

      function Test_SCExists_GetSCPath()
        if (!IsShortcutValid("Programs|Accessories|Paint", "|")) {
          Log.Error("Shortcut is not valid");
        Log.Message("Shortcut is valid");
        var target = GetShortcutTarget("Programs|Accessories|Paint", "|");
        if (!target) {
          Log.Error("Shortcut doesn't exist");
      function IsShortcutValid(shortcutPath, separator)
        var StartDir, path, shortcut;
        StartDir = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\";
        path = shortcutPath.split(separator).join("\\") + ".lnk";
        if (aqFileSystem.Exists(StartDir + path)) {
          shortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(StartDir + path);
          return aqFileSystem.Exists(shortcut.TargetPath);
        return false;
      function GetShortcutTarget(shortcutPath, separator)
        var StartDir, path, shortcut;
        StartDir = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\";
        path = shortcutPath.split(separator).join("\\") + ".lnk";
        if (aqFileSystem.Exists(StartDir + path)) {
          shortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(StartDir + path);
          return shortcut.TargetPath;
        return false;